A New Home

. 1 min read . Written by Helena Price
A New Home

Hi all,

I’m writing you from my new newsletter platform, Ghost. After consulting many people I trust, trying out just about every newsletter and blogging platform in existence, and doing some introspection of my own, this is where I landed.  

There is a lot of confusion out there around the best way to create content right now. If you go to social media, you'll find creators with massive followings saying they can no longer reach their audiences. Algorithms are elusive and constantly changing. And as we've seen with Twitter, platforms themselves can be sold and undergo radical transformation, leaving you with an online home that no longer feels like your own.

But as a result, something good is happening. We're seeing a new proliferation of smaller, more private, online communities. It looks a lot like the internet did 20 years ago—newsletters, blogs, forums, and more. In these, you can find connection with like-minded people and safety from the chaos of social media platforms. If you don't know about them, it's because they aren't marketing to you—and that's by design. These communities are focused on quality over quantity, and grow through word of mouth.

I am glad to see the internet adjusting in this way. We all benefit from smaller, safer spaces where individualized work, interests and connections can flourish.

So, this is where I'll be, on my own little corner of the internet, creating the work I want to make, and sharing things I've learned over the years as a founder and creative, in hopes of helping you navigate this world a little better.

As you’ll see, I’ve moved all of my writing under one place at helenaprice.com. You’ll find both Founder Things and Creative Things here, and you can subscribe to one, or the other, or both. 

Thank you all for following along. I’m happy to have you here. I have a lot to share with you this year.